Rent office space in Amsterdam Duivendrecht{{ City.Title }}
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Mathios Zeko
Real estate agent
Real estate agent
SKEPP provides you a great opportunity to save on your monthly rent instead of paying traditional high brokerage fees.
Want to rent an office space in {{ City.Title }}?
Are you looking for office space in Amsterdam Duivendrecht? Look into the buildings that SKEPP has to offer you. A wide range of workplaces, office rooms, and customized office spaces. There is always something in it for you. The Capital of the Netherlands has several neighborhoods to rent an office in, Duivendrecht is one of them. We help you whether you have grown out of your current office space or need a smaller space. SKEPP offers free advice without obligations. Rent your office space at SKEPP!
Popular office location in Amsterdam:
Amsterdam Grachtengordel
Amsterdam Nieuw-West
Amsterdam Zuid
Amsterdam Zuidas
For rent at SKEPP:
- Virtual office space - from 49,- p.m.
- Flexible working space - from 99,- p.m.
- Fixed working space - from 149,- p.m.
- Office room - from 249,- p.m.
- Office space - from 749,- p.m.
Due Vene Trajectum
Latin? Yes, it is. If you take a look at the origin of the name Duivendrecht, this Latin name dates back further than any other. This Latin name literally means 'place to cross the water'. You and many others probably thought this had something to do with 'duiven', the Dutch word for pigeons. In 1921, Duivendrecht was seized by the city of Amsterdam and added to its municipality. Regarding offices, Duivendrecht is mainly known for the Overamstel or at this point in time known as Amstel Business Park. You can rent your headquarters among multinationals and we will help you find your dream office. One of the greatest benefits Duivendrecht offers you is the fact that it is positioned on the outside of the ring road. This means the pricing is significantly lower. Outside the city center but not out of sight, because the Amstel Business Park lies alongside the highway and is therefore very well accessible. The majority of the buildings at this business park consists of business centers.
Rent in Amsterdam Duivendrecht
As we mentioned before, you can search for office space at the Amstel Business Park. SKEPP will help you to find anything you couldn't. You can rent an office room from 500,- per month or customized office space from 2700,- per month. These are office spaces that would have cost you a fortune if they were located in the heart of the city. If you desire any more information about the buildings, prices or availability, we strongly advise you to call our real estate agents. They love to help you, even when you want to rent in Amsterdam Centrum. If you are looking for a vibrant and cozy neighborhood to rent an office space in, then we advise Amsterdam Zuid.
SKEPP will find your dream office in Amsterdam Duivendrecht
Listing all your needs and wishes, that is the first thing we do when you ask for our advice. Once we visualized this, we can estimate which offices would suit you best. We make sure we have the most recent availability and prices so we don't have to disappoint you in hindsight. We guarantee you a list of 3 to 5 offices that fit your needs and this will be delivered to you within 1 workday. The only thing you need to do is give us some information and the rest will be taken care of by our real estate agents. Easy, fast and completely free and without obligations. Let us know which office building appeals to you the most and we will schedule a free tour when you have time to check it out.
Transparent way of working and the best prices? Rent office space in Amsterdam Duivendrecht at SKEPP!
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