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Rent office space in The Hague Escamp{{ City.Title }}

{{ inputs.meters[0] }}m2 {{ inputs.meters[1] }}m2 +
{{ inputs.peoples[0] }} {{ inputs.peoples[1] }} Persons +
{{ inputs.price[0] | toCurrency }} {{ inputs.price[1] | toCurrency }} +
{{ offices.length }} of {{ totalOfficesCount }} offices in near {{ City.Title }}
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Kas Bruinsma
Kas Bruinsma
Real estate agent
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SKEPP provides you a great opportunity to save on your monthly rent instead of paying traditional high brokerage fees.

Want to rent an office space in {{ City.Title }}?

Rent your own working- or office space in The Hague Escamp at SKEPP. You can rent for prices from €175,- per month. Pick a suitable working place based on location, facilities, price or style. Rent at SKEPP!

A different and popular neighborhood in The Hague is Binckhorst. Couldn't find anything in Escamp? Make sure you check every single office building in The Hague!

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{{ inputs.meters[0] }}m2 {{ inputs.meters[1] }}m2 +
{{ inputs.peoples[0] }} {{ inputs.peoples[1] }} Persons +
{{ inputs.price[0] | toCurrency }} {{ inputs.price[1] | toCurrency }} +
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