Rent office space in Amersfoort{{ City.Title }}
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Mathios Zeko
Real estate agent
Real estate agent
SKEPP provides you a great opportunity to save on your monthly rent instead of paying traditional high brokerage fees.
Want to rent an office space in {{ City.Title }}?
SKEPP has a wide range of office spaces and business premises in Amersfoort. Did you make any plans to rent office space in Amersfoort? First, compare our extensive overview of office spaces for rent. Why would you rely on an expensive broker when you can do it with the free help of SKEPP? Comparing office space has never been so easy and fast. Rent your new office space or working space in Amersfoort with SKEPP!
Popular office buildings
- Stadsring, Amersfoort - office space for rent from 150 m2 to 579 m2 starting at €1875 per month;
- Smallepad, Amersfoort - office space for rent from 7 m2 to 24 m2 starting at €269 per month;
- Piet Mondriaanplein, Amersfoort - office space for rent for 2 to 10 people starting at a monthly price of €686;
- Maanlander, Amersfoort - office space for rent for 5 people at a monthly price of €750;
Looking for office space in Amersfoort? This is how we work at SKEPP
The first step in finding your new office space is determining what type of office space you need. Do you want to rent at a low price and profit from the presence of co-entrepreneurs? Then, a working space in an open work area can be the best option. Closed office spaces are used when you want some more privacy and want to work in silence with your colleagues. A custom office space is ideal for medium to large companies, that want to rent a floor for themselves. Also, the location in Amersfoort is important for your company. Do you locate yourself in the center of Amersfoort, or one of the business areas, like de Hoef, Calceen or Isselt? One of the things you might want to consider when deciding the location of your new office space is the way you and your colleagues travel to work.
Together with SKEPP, you will find the best office space in Amersfoort
When do you need office space? For what time period do you need the office space? What is the best rental term? In which industry are you working and what should be the corresponding look of your office space? Are you looking for furnished office space? These are examples of questions that will be asked by our real estate agents. How long does this take? During a 10-minute call, we will get to know your requirements, so we can go through all the options. We will select 3 to 5 suitable office spaces that fit your requirements. In this way, you can compare and decide which office space is best for you.
Many companies rented office space in Amersfoort at SKEPP last year
We help you for free in your search for office space, you do not pay at all. How do we earn our money, one may ask. We made specific arrangements with all our locations. They would like to welcome you as a new tenant. This creates a win-win situation for you and for us. It also ensures that we always give 100% for you as a future tenant. SKEPP helps you find the perfect office space!
When you are not sure whether Amersfoort is the best location, then take a look at our offer in office space in Haarlem and Nijmegen.
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