Rent office space in Berlin Mitte{{ City.Title }}
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Mathios Zeko
Real estate agent
Real estate agent
SKEPP provides you a great opportunity to save on your monthly rent instead of paying traditional high brokerage fees.
Want to rent an office space in {{ City.Title }}?
Rent an office in vibrant Berlin Mitte and you will be surrounded by many of the famous sights of the city, like the Brandenburger Tor, the Alexanderplatz or Checkpoint Charlie. This very popular office location in the German main capital is easily and conveniently reachable, due to the wide range of public transport options the centre of the city offers. Because of the Spree the city is divided into two parts. At the riverside of the Spree, you will find countless cosy cafes and restaurants, in which both locals and tourists like to spend their time. Rent an office space in the Berlin Mitte district, which characterised by its rich cultural and historic past.
Beloved offices in Berlin Mitte
The business location Berlin Mitte is the meeting point of many large (international) companies, such as Siemens, Google or Zalando. Plus, do not forget, the centre of Germany’s start-up scene. A strikingly attractive office building is located at Leipziger Platz 15, with excellent services and state-of-the-art office spaces. A further range of much-beloved office buildings is to be found at the Potsdamer Platz 11 and the Hamburger Straße 32. Furthermore, you will find a wonderful office space with excellent transport links at Oberwallstraße 6. Each of these Addresses will be an outstanding opportunity to rent your new office.
The vibrant heart of Berlin
Art, politics and culture have found their place in the middle of the main capital. In addition to the numerous sights, Berlin also offers many museums with a large variety of themes. You will not run short on leisure activities either. A great number of shopping opportunities are located around the famous squares like the Potsdamer Platz and the Alexanderplatz, which you can visit to your liking in your spare time. Around the Gendarmenmarkt, which is known as the most beautiful place in Berlin Mitte, you will find a wide selection of high-end restaurants.
Rent the perfect office in Berlin Mitte
Berlin Mitte offers a large variety of office property and working concepts. From traditional office spaces with individual workplaces to interactive co-working, both concepts are realizable. In Mitte, it is not only possible to rent modern offices, but office buildings with a more historic façade are rentable as well. Often, these two styles are combined to create an extremely attractive workspace. Would you like to rent office space in another part of Berlin? Then please take a look at our offers for Berlin Kreuzberg or Berlin Tiergarten.
How you will find the perfect office with the help of SKEPP
Our property consultants will help you find your new office in Berlin non-bindingly and free of charge. Contact us via or phone us at +31 85 8882339 and we will send you a selection of suitable office spaces within a business day. When you have found something suitable for you and your team, we will directly plan a viewing of the property for you (of course non-obligatory and free of charge as well). Due to the fast services SKEPP offers, you will have the possibility to rent your new office in Berlin Mitte in just a few days.
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