Rent office space in Geel{{ City.Title }}
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Mathios Zeko
Real estate agent
Real estate agent
SKEPP provides you a great opportunity to save on your monthly rent instead of paying traditional high brokerage fees.
Want to rent an office space in {{ City.Title }}?
Would you like to rent office space in Geel? Then SKEPP is happy to help you with your search. We will listen to your wishes and help you with your search for the perfect office space for rent in Geel. Geel is a city located in the Antwerp Kempen and has more than 40,000 inhabitants. Geel is also known for its University Campus where various courses are given on university level. A weekly attraction is a market on Tuesday afternoon where you can take a relaxing stroll between the various market stalls.
Popular office buildings in Geel
Take a look at the office building at Kleinhoefstraat 5. The office building, with office spaces and workspaces for rent, is located in a beautiful green area. This business center also offers a wide range of services such as an ironing service. The office spaces and workspaces for rent are hip and modern with plenty of natural light. Right outside you can take a seat at one of the several places that let you enjoy the sun with good weather. This business center also has great accessibility. The nearby N19 will take you to the entrance of the E313 motorway within a few minutes, which provides connections to cities such as Antwerp and Hasselt. Another great option in Geel is the office building at Ilgatlaan 9.
Geel in the green Kempen
Geel has been a city since 1985 and is the seventh-largest city in Flanders. The origin of the city dates back to 1155 and the inhabitants are called Gelenaars. Geel is a paradise for lovers of nature reserves. Malesbroek, Neerhelst, and De Zegge are the most famous areas with breeding grounds for many rare bird species. Another nice attraction is the Geels Brewery Museum, which is located in the Geels Brouwhuis. Today, Geel is best known for its courses given at the Geel Campus. This Campus collaborates with the University of Leuven. The technological courses given at this campus make students very interesting as potential employees for businesses. Often, these students already receive a job offer before finishing their studies. So by renting office space in Geel, you will have a great location to attract your future employees.
Interested in renting office space in Geel?
Would you like to be the next company to rent great office space in Geel? Please contact SKEPP and we will make a list of all your wishes and needs. With this list, we can make you an appropriate proposal for multiple suitable office buildings. Would you like to take a closer look at the office spaces for rent in Geel? Let us schedule a guided viewing of the premises for you and take a look at this trendy office building. All of the services offered by SKEPP are free of charge and without any obligations.
Are you also curious about other offices in the region of Geel? Take a look at the range of great office spaces for rent at Ghent, Antwerp, and Hasselt.
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