
The correct working posture

Many people often sit at their desks all day long, but a correct working posture is often hard to find for many employees. After a few hours in your office chair you back has started to hurt. Do you have the correct sitting posture? Do you want to know what a correct working posture looks like? We will give you all the information you need in this blog!

The correct working posture

Many people often sit at their desks all day long, but a correct working posture is often hard to find for many employees. After sitting at your desk for a few hours, you are bound to get back pain. Are you worried you do have the correct sitting position? An ergonomic office chair is the easiest step on your way to attaining the right working posture. Do you want to know what a correct working posture looks like? Or do you want to know how you should adjust your furniture to create a good sitting position? We will give you all the information you need in this blog!

What is a good sitting position?

Maintaining a correct sitting posture is important to avoid any physical complaints, but did you know that alternating your posture is just as important? For the optimal sitting position, you place your feet firmly on the floor next to each other and ensure that your pelvis is higher than your knees by adjusting your sitting height.

It is no surprise that your working posture is highly influenced by the way you sit in your office chair. Your back should be well supported, meaning that the support of your office chair should be in the hollow of your low back. That way you get the right support. A straight back is the most important thing when it comes to a good working posture.

Thanks to the many adjustable parts of an office chair, you are able to completely adjust your office chair to your own body. For example, you can adjust the armrests to the correct height. What is the correct height for the armrests? It is best to determine that yourself! Try out some options and decide for yourself what feels right. In any case, the armrests should be at such a height that you can rest your elbows loosely on them.

In addition to the armrests and backrest, adjustment of the seat height should also be included. The correct seat height can vary between 41 and 55 cm. In any case, you should adjust the seat height of your office chair in such a way that you can place your feet flat on the floor. Moreover, your knees should be bend at a 90 degrees angle.

Verander af en toe van werkhouding
Switching your office chair for a ball ensures that you change your posture once in a while.

Working at the kitchen table

We are increasingly working from home, where taking place at the kitchen table seems ideal. However, the average kitchen chair does not contribute to a good sitting position. Even when you are working from home, you are entitled to an ergonomically-sound workplace. As an employer, you are required to take care of this.

Do you already have a desk and office chair at home? Then make sure to adjust your office furniture as optimally as possible! Adjust your desk to the same height as the armrests of your office chair. In addition, make sure that your office chair is adjusted as ergonomically as possible so that you can get the support you need to attain an optimal sitting position all day long.

Do you not have an office chair yet? Then we would advise you to choose a chair that provides sufficient support for your back. It is, of course, also important that you can comfortably sit in the chair for long periods of time. It is wise to occasionally take a break and get away from your workplace. Taking breaks every now and then will prevent you from staying in the same rigid position for too long. Try taking a little walk or get some coffee, as sitting in the same position for too long can cause serious physical complaints. 

Take a break now and then to change up your posture

Thuiswerken of toch op kantoorDo you prefer to work at the kitchen table or at the desk.

Ergonomic office furniture contributes to better health

You should not miss an ergonomic office chair in your office space. Thanks to an ergonomic office chair, you can maintain the correct sitting position. A good sitting posture contributes to better health. All parts of the ergonomic office chair are adjustable so that you can fully adjust the chair to your own body.

Alternating between different postures contributes to a better working posture. A sit-stand desk offers a solution! With the help of this desk, you do not have to sit behind your desk the entire day but you can also easily work on your desk while standing. By alternating between sitting and standing during your work you keep your brain active. As a result, your brain will become less tired.

Wissel af in houdingSit-stand desks ensure that you vary in posture.

Do you already have the right working posture?

As mentioned before, a good working posture can be largely achieved by choosing an office chair with sufficient support. However, the height of your desk is also important. You should make sure your desk is not set too high or too low. To ensure this, you should keep your feet flat on the floor when adjusting the height of your office chair. The seat height of your office chair can vary between 41 and 55 cm. Of course, the exact height of the office chair depends on your personal preference.

Did you know that an ergonomic workplace contributes to better health and prevents physical complaints? The most important aspect of attaining a good working posture is keeping a straight back. Ensure this by buying or renting the right office furniture. Are you interested in ergonomic office furniture? Take a look at the entire collection in the SKEPP shop!

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