Mathios ZekoReal estate agent
+31 85 7605770 Available untilWhat do we consider to be fraud?
SKEPP's visitors expect independent assessments and other information. This information is provided by tenants or potential tenants who would like to share their personal experiences with the SKEPP community.
We aim to guarantee the integrity of the content we collect and provide to our community of potential tenants, tenants and landlords.
Every attempt at misleading, influencing or pretending to be a potential tenant or actual tenant is deemed fraudulent and will be punished. Fraudulent activities include but are not limited to:
Attempts by a landlord, broker or representative of a company to improve the reputation of the office by:
writing an assessment for his own office or for an object that the contributor owns, manages or in which the contributor has vested financial interests.
availing himself of the aid of an optimisation company, marketing organisation or a third party to submit assessments.
pretending to be a competitor, potential tenant or tenant.
offering incentives in exchange for an assessment, including discounts, upgrades or special treatment.
asking friends or family to write a positive assessment.
submitting assessment on behalf of tenants and /or potential tenants.
only asking tenants and/or potential tenants who have had a positive experience to write assessments (by email, survey or any other method).
putting pressure on tenants and/or potential tenants to remove a negative assessment on SKEPP.
forbidding or discouraging tenants and/or potential tenants from placing a negative or critical assessment about their experiences.
attempting to damage the reputation of a competitor by writing a negative assessment. Owners and representatives of owners CANNOT write an assessment about an immediate competitor, not even in case of an actual experience.
If, after reading our Integrity Policy, you were to have any questions, complaints or comments, please feel free to contact us in writing or by email.
Ootmarsumseweg 151
7665 RX, Albergen
Phone: 085- 877 05 19
Email: info@skepp.com
KvK 59007753 (Chamber of Commerce)
BTW NL823806224B01 (VAT ID)
IBAN NL21RABO0135955459