A suitable office lease agreement when renting office space
- Saturday, January 26, 2019
So, you would like to rent office space with a suitable office lease agreement? No problem, we are happy to help you with that. It is important that you are well aware of the content of an office lease agreement because your signature will be on it. In this blog, we will walk through an office lease agreement, from the first contract with a landlord until the termination of the office lease agreement.
Get an office lease agreement based on Real Estate Council (REC)
Are you happy with the choice you made and already dreaming about what the office space will look like? Hold yourself back just a little bit longer, until the office lease agreement has been signed. It is not always a good idea to sign an office lease agreement that is drawn up by the landlord but opt for a contract based on REC. Adjust this office lease agreement together with the landlord and make agreements in the contract about failing to comply with certain agreements, from both sides.
What do you have to take into account when you want to rent an amazing office space yourself?
What is your goal when renting office space?
Before you put a signature under the office lease agreement, think carefully about the goal that you have in mind with your company. We already have 2 tips for you stated below:
1. Consider growing or shrinking
Do you know where your company will be in 2 years? Maybe you get 50 new employees and is the current office space too small? Or you might want to include options for an internal move? Make the office lease agreement negotiable, create flexibility for yourself!
2. A large office space is not always better
A large office space is wonderful to have, but certainly not always the best option. Never rent an office space that is too large, which therefore may be above your budget. Check carefully how large your office space should be based on the blog: How many square meters of office space do you need per person?
Compare the rental price of office spaces
If you are going to compare the rental price of office spaces with each other, make sure to compare it on a fair base. There are different types of rental prices, such as the all-in rental price and the basic rental price. Secure a clear overview in your office lease agreement of what you get for the price that you pay to the landlord.

What is an all-in rental price?
Suppose you get 2 different office spaces as an option. One is an office space of 150 sqm for 17 people at a price of €200,- per sqm per year. The other office space has an office space of 150 sqm for 17 people with a monthly price of €3200,- Option 1 seems cheaper, right? Nevertheless, the second office space has an all-in price. An all-in rental price has the advantage that the additional costs are already included in the price.
The following costs may already be included in the price, which means that you do not have to pay extra for them:
Utilities such as gas, water, and light (the basis of an all-in price);
Telephony and (fiber-optic) internet;
The rent for the office furnishings;
Number of free hours to make use of the meeting rooms;
A manned reception that welcomes staff and guests and processes mail for you;
Presence of a common area or social heart, where you can consult, relax, or have a drink.
What would you rather choose?
Now you know the differences in rental prices, you probably prefer an all-in rental price. However, some entrepreneurs still prefer ‘bare’ rent. This is due to the fact that there is more room to fill with office furniture or to apply a house style. In short, make sure that you know what is stated in the office lease agreement about the rental price.
Times change, so office lease agreements as well
In 2018, it was customary to agree on a lease for the duration of 1 year (for office space) with a notice period of 1 to 3 months and a guarantee of, again, 1 month’s rent. Nowadays, entrepreneurs crave flexibility and the landlords are increasingly willing to change with it. Besides, it is often a lot more attractive for you as an entrepreneur as well as for the lessor to include the rental price with VAT. You can save money on this if you make proper agreements about it with the landlord.
Cancel the office lease agreement?
Do you want to cancel your office lease agreement? If stated in the office lease agreement that an email is not legally valid for the cancellation, you have to confirm it with a written letter. Discuss the contract options with the landlord, but remember that it is not a choice menu. The landlord often does not choose the contract type and the cancellation period itself.
Questions about an office lease agreement?
Contact our real estate consultants for free and without any obligations. We are happy to answer all your questions. We provide you with an answer and ensure that you can rent office space carefree and with pleasure. We are happy to help you with issues related to office space, rents, and contracts because we are the office space specialist.

Rent office space? Aks for customized advice!
The specialists of SKEPP are working on office lease agreements on a daily basis. Therefore, they know exactly what a correctly drawn-up office lease agreement looks like. You can obtain advice about renting office space quickly. Make sure to do this in an early stage, because most problems arise when verbal agreements are made.
The advice is free and without obligations
Our real estate consultants not only have the knowledge of the office market, but they also make sure that your wishes and needs are taken into account. In this way, you can easily and quickly rent office space that suits your company. Besides, you are assured of an office lease agreement that matches your wishes.
Also, compare the best offices for free
Are you still orienting on an office space? Do you not know yet in which city you want to rent? Simply look at the most extensive office space offers of SKEPP in the Netherlands. Do you still need more information about a specific office building or a city or would you like to receive a rental offer? Contact us directly, free of charge, and without obligations. You can rent office space and obtain information about an office lease agreement via SKEPP!